Contact Information

ATT:Steve Hearn
S & K Electronics
933 Whipporwill
Murchison,Texas 75778
Free estimates are available on any equipment shipped to
us. If you decline our estimate, there will be no charge
unless you want the unrepaired unit shipped back to you
, in
this case all that will be due is the shipping charges.
Please enclose email, fax or phone number for this service.

Shipping Instructions
Carefully package the unit so that it is padded and can't
move around. We would recommend to obtain enough
shipping insurance to cover the replacement cost. S & K
can not be held responsible for any shipping damage or
loss. Ship to the address below:

Free Estimate Details
ATT: Steve Hearn
S & K Electronics
933 Whipporwill
Murchison, Texas 75778

Toll Free 1 888 825 2819
Tel. 903 469 3039
We offer very honest service,quality work and competitive
prices. We might not always be the cheapest, but we like to
think we are the best at what we do. If you are intersted in
getting a Free Firm Estimate, click here. If you want an
approximate estimate, locate your model number with our
picture gallerys and email or call me with the symptoms
that you are having with your set. If you wish to call, our
toll free number is 1 888 825 2819.

Due to the constantly changing cost of repair parts and the
variations of repairs needed to these intercoms, we feel
that is only fair to our customers to give an estimate
for each indivdual intercom.

For example, if all your intercom needed was one part, you
wouldn't want to pay the same price as someone elses
intercom that needed 25 parts. This way we can give you an
estimate for what it truly needs.

Repair Policy